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Imperfection used for Christ…

October 26, 2009

Perfection is what we are meant for,  and we screw up that perfection regularly by trying to get back to it. We constantly think that if we do this better, or just stop doing that, we will get back to the perfection we are meant for.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the vicious cycle.

News flash. I am not perfect and I am so glad I don’t have to be perfect for God to use me as he sees fit.  There is a lot of comfort knowing that even though I am a flawed individual God has a plan for me in His Church.   I like many before me have been used for his purpose.  Lets face it none of us will ever be perfect this side of heaven, and there is just to much guilt associated with the process.

I don’t know about you, but I am giving up trying.

Why do we get caught up in thinking that we need to be perfect before God will accept us?  If you read through the bible there are countless imperfect people used for God’s plan.  Adam/Eve, Abraham, Moses, David, Rehab, Rebbeca, Ester, Jonah. The men Jesus choose were common men, none of them were perfect. And less we forget Paul a Pharesee of all Pharesees.

I don’t know about you I am tired of not achieving it.

Can you be comfortable knowing that your imperfection is ok?  Our way of life as a follower of Christ is not a check list of did I commit this or that sin today.   Our very nature should be transformed to be more like Christ every moment of every day.   If we do screw up we learn from the mistake, repent willingly to the God who knew we were going to commit the sin, and walk forward into His Grace.

I don’t know about you, I am moving forward without guilt.

We don’t have to achieve perfection for God to accept us.  He sees us for who we are.  All our imperfections are on full display for Him.  He knew and knows all the sin that we will commit in our lives.   He knew that by us believing in His Son, he would still use us for His glory.  He would use us the imperfect people to achieve His Perfect will.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of not living in Grace

Grace is not a license to sin.  Far from it… It is God freely forgiving us for something that we deserve to be punished for.  It is God Loving us knowing that we can never obtain perfection without His Son.    By accepting that Grace we are free to live the life God planned for us.  Relying on him to satisfy the desires that lead to Sin.   Willingly putting all of our wants and needs into His hands.   Willingly walking in His will, stumbling sometimes, but moving forward towards the hope of His Son.

I don’t know about you, but I am willing.


An illustration of walking in Grace (all though not perfect):

Imagine you are walking backwards on a park path, watching everything go by but not seeing what is ahead.  Now imagine a park bench is slid out behind you as you walk, and you fall straight backwards over it.   Which way are you looking?    Now imagine you get up but now you turn around and start walking forward…You can now see the things that make you stumble and fall.  Will you still hit some and bruise a knee? Sure.  But you will also become more aware of them quicker, and learn to deal with them sooner.    Some days you will leap over them with no effort,  other days you will struggle to craw over, still others you may not make it at all.   With God’s Grace you do not leap or struggle alone.  You walk with Christ,  He leaps with you. When you struggle, He craws over with you.  When you can’t craw He carried his Cross he will carry yours.

One Comment leave one →
  1. October 26, 2009 2:18 pm

    Sorry.. Comments were off for some reason on this post. Brian e-mailed me this comment.
    ” “You said “Our very nature should be transformed to be more like Christ every moment of every day.”

    I think that is exactly why you are frustrated. Being a follower of Jesus does not and should not involve imitation so much as it does implantation.

    The way I read this might be different than what you mean, but I feel there is a vast difference between trying to compel Christians to imitate Jesus and them learning how to impart an implanted Christ.

    Let Him work through us, not us trying to be Him. We cannot BE him. ”
    You are correct… We have to learn to rely on Christ more an we have to BE the Church.

    I know we can never be Christ thus “perfect”. I understand I can never be perfect, and will give up trying.

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